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Under the bridge, as the river-sirens' call
A man hides from the day's light, and waits, to
Howl into the night-wind that blows through the lonely-city streets
Something with this world is not right

Under the bridge, distorted, in the river's reflection
The image of a stranger, a stranger to self-respect
Estranged from family, estranged from friends, a social disconnect
Something with this world is not right

Under the bridge, attrition, erosion at the river's edge
Into an empty bottle, a jaded dignity screams
There's no release from the torment of faded dreams
Something with this world is not right

Under the bridge, sympathy, wanes as the river's tide
The inconvenience and stigma of destitution, a life in decline
To carry the shame, is innocence, is naivety to blame?
Something with this world is not right

Under the bridge, time, as the river, flows
Hope is tomorrow's promise, but if only the present is real
What does hope, what does hope conceal?
Something with this world is not right

Under the bridge
A child hides in the shadow of day's light
A child that cries in fits of anguish and nervous laughter
A child, out of sight, from abuse, in flight
A child, precious, vulnerable, a child alone
Something with this world is not right

Under the bridge
But for good-fortune's grace go I
Something with this world is not right
Under the bridge
Only heartfelt compassion would identify, that
Something with this world is not right
Under the bridge
Only conceited entitlement would deny, that
Something with this world is not right

Something with this world is not right
Something, with this world, something
Something, is not right
Something with this world, is not right
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Initial iPosting (Version A) 13/7/2024

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